Other Projects

Hope for the future
The need for clothing, bedding, and household items is great wherever there is poverty and hardship.

Food4Futures provides a place where people can donate clothing, bedding and other items to be distributed among those who come to us in need.

In winter we face an increasing number of people who lose their homes and belongings to fires and floods. On these occasions we rely on the kindness of our community to help them rebuild with some of the most basic things they need. 
Another issue facing our community is the lack of identity documentation.

Many people have no I.D.'s for various reasons, whether through theft, loss, fires, floods, or simply due to never having received an I.D. in the first place.

This means they have no access to housing, banking, education, healthcare (including receiving COVID 19 vaccinations), SASSA grants, the Unemployment Insurance Fund or to register to vote. 

To make it more difficult, payment for a replacement I.D. must be made with a bank card, which you cannot get without the aforementioned document!
We also assist people who have little understanding of their rights to receive the help they can access through SASSA and other government departments by offering advice and sometimes writing letters on their behalf.

The need for this assistance is really highlighted in cases where people are ill and live alone, or have no one around them who is willing or able to assist them in understanding how to go about getting the help they need.


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